Campanella Associates - Consultants in Acoustics - A listing of available articles is followed by a general introduction below.

Feature Articles
ACCULAB Reference Sound Source Instruction Manual
Acoustics FAQ
Bruel & Kjaer Technical Review - Search
Articles on Acoustics
Active Noise Control or Cancellation (ANC)
Air System Quieting
Building Acoustics
Classroom Acoustics
Community Noise
Fatigue Analysis
Industrial Noise Reduction
Materials Evaluation
Occupational Noise
Open-Office Test Loudspeaker
Open Plan Offices
Seismic Analysis
Sound Advice on Noisy Environmental Acoustic Design
Sound Advice on Sound Absorption
Sound Advice on Teleconferencing Room Acoustics
Studio Design
Transportation Noise (Highway - Railroad - Aircraft)
Ultrasonic Reference Sound Source

The science of acoustics provides the only reliable way to measure, analyze and control sound. Unwanted sound (noise) from our everyday environment can be annoying or damaging because our hearing sense cannot be turned off. Modern society unintentionally produces large quantities of noise through transportation, manufacturing and recreational activities. Campanella Associates is dedicated to making the home, work, institutional and recreational environments pleasant and safe. As acoustical engineers, we provide our clients with effective methods to reduce or eliminate noise.

Campanella Associates can do any of the following: acoustical design and noise isolation testing of auditoriums, churches, recording and TV studios, apartments, residential units, and open-plan offices; computer modeling of airport, highway, and railroad noise for master plans; cabin interior noise and vibration reduction by design and testing; seismic (dynamic and stress) analysis of nuclear power plant components; surveys and reporting; noise control design; expert witness testimony. Have done extensive noise and vibration testing for OSHA, Leq, DNL, IIC, and seismic mitigation recommendations for FAA, FHA and HUD compliance. Campanella Associates has a very extensive client listing.

Participate in joint ventures, and have aircraft for travel to remote sites. Registered engineer in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Campanella Associates
3201 Ridgewood Drive
Columbus, Ohio 43026
FAX 614.771.8740
[Angelo J. Campanella]

For more information on... Angelo J. Campanella, P.E., Ph.D. (Principal), visit his personal Web site at Angelo Campanella can be reached by e-mail at

Last updated 23-Jul-2002.
Web Site by Point & Click Software, Inc.